The results of your search can be seen below. If you require more detail on any item i.e. photos etc., or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. All prices are quoted in pounds sterling.
| Title
| Price
| Purchase
Dale (T.F.) |
A History of the Belvoir Hunt. [10037] |
£65 |
Dale. (T.F.). |
Fox-Hunting in the Shires. [5178] |
£15 |
Dangar (Adrian) |
True to the Line. A Hunting Life [11022] |
£10 |
Daniels (John H,) and Sherman P Haight editors |
Feeding Working Hounds , Based on the report on Foxhound Nutrition by the Masters of Foxhound Association of America [11782] |
£15 |
Danielson. (Richard E.). |
Martha Doyle and Other Sporting Memories. Illustrated by Edwin Megargee. The Derrydale Press. [5186] |
£28 |
Dark Horse |
Hunt Sketches 1906-1907, Mr George Fitzwilliam's Hounds [11406] |
£65 |
Darlington. (Earl of). |
Earl of Darlington's Fox-Hounds. Operations of the Raby Pack in the Years 1823-4 [8515] |
£75 |
DARWALL. (Ricahrd). |
Madcaps Progress. The Life of the Eccentric Regency Sportsman John Mytton. 1938. [1499] |
£18 |
Davenport. (Henry S.). |
Memories at Random: Melton and Harborough. London. [2466] |
£75 |
Davies (E.W.L.) |
Memoir of the Rev John Russell and his Out-of-door Life [11180] |
£125 |
Davies (E.W.L.) |
Memoir of the Rev. John Russell and his Out-of- Doors Life [10506] |
£125 |
Davies. (E.W.L.). |
Memoir of the Rev. John Russell and His Out-Of-Door Life. [8626] |
£85 |
Davies. (Edward W.L.). |
The Out-Of-Door Life of the Rev. John Russell. A Memoir. [8567] |
£45 |
Davis (Colonel Marcellus L.), henry P.Davis and C.T.Davis |
The Stranger [10003] |
£20 |
Davy. (E. gethin). |
Try Back! History of the Gelligar Hunt. [4969] |
£10 |
Dawson. (Captain Lionel). |
Hunting Without Tears. Illustrated by Maurice Tulloch. [5185] |
£15 |
de Chabot. (Le Comte). |
La Chasse. A Travers les Ages. Histoire anecdotique de la Chasse chez les peuples anciens et en France depuis la coquete des Gaules jusqu'a nos jours. [5376] |
£30 |
de Costobadie (F.Palliser) |
Annals of the Billesdon Hunt (Mr. Fernie's). 1856-1913. Notable Runs and Incidents of the Chase, Prominent Members, Celebrated Hunters and Hounds, Amusing Stories [11077] |
£85 |
de Feversham. (Anne). |
L'Ombre sur la Lande et Autres Chasses Fantastiques. Illustre par Antoine De La Boulaye. [5214] |
£15 |
De Genouillac. (H. Gourdon). |
L'Eglise et la Chasse . Paris. Librairie Des bibliophiles. [5226] |
£38 |
De Trafford. (Sir Humphrey). Editor |
The Foxhounds of Great Britain and Ireland. Their Masters and Their Huntsmen. [4354] |
£75 |
de Vezins. (Comte Elie). |
Hounds For A Pack. Translated and with an introduction by Lionel R. Woolner. [5388] |
£10 |
Delaney. (Ronald). |
Hounds and Terriers. [5221] |
£8.50 |
Delme. (F.P.). |
The Noble Science. A Few General Ideas on Fox-Hunting. For the Use of the Rising generation of Sportsmen and More Especially Those of the Hertfordshire Hunt Club. Rudolph Ackermann. [8469] |
£125 |
Derrydale Press |
Hell for Leather ! The Epwell Hunt. The Melton Hunt. Howell Wood. [10045] |
£45 |
Derrydale Press |
Hell for Leather ! The Epwell Hunt. The Melton Hunt. Howell Wood. [10046] |
£45 |
Memoirs of the Gloucestor Fox Hunting Club, near Philadelphia. New York. Privately Printed by Ernest R.Gee. 1927. [1507] |
£95 |
The Belvidere Hounds. New York. Derrydale Press. 1935. [1506] |
£85 |
Hounds and Hunting through the Ages. New York, Derrydale Press, 1928. [1508] |
£125 |
Desgraviers ( M.Leconte) |
Essai De Venerie , ou L,art Du Valet de Limier; Suivi d'un Traite sur les Maladies des Chiens et sur leurs remedes. [10588] |
£150 |
DESGRAVIERS. (Auguste). |
Le Parfait Chasseur, Traite General de Toutes les Chasses, avec un Appendice des meilleurs remedes pour le guerison des accidens et maladies des chevaux de chasse et des chiens courans. Paris. 1810. [1510] |
£225 |
Quatre Runs Avec L'Equipage des Devon and Somerset Hounds. Paris. 1910. [319] |
£78 |
Dixon (William Scarth ) |
A History of the Bramham Moor Hunt. [11084] |
£110 |
DIXON. (Willaim Scarth). |
A History of the Bramham Moor Hunt. Leeds. 1898. [1516] |
£175 |
DIXON. (William Scarth). |
The Hunting Year. 1912. [1517] |
£15.00 |
DIXON. (William Scarth). |
The Hunting Year. 1912. [1518] |
£25 |
DIXON. (William Scarth). |
Hunting in the olden Days. 1912. [805] |
£75 |
Dorchester. (Lord). |
Sport In My Time. [5202] |
£6.50 |
Dorman. (John). Compiled and Edited by.... |
It Could Have Been A Hound ( and other stories). Hunting with Ronnie Wallace. [5203] |
£12.50 |
Dormeuil, Ashley; d'Estaing, Louis; Mathet, Nathalie; Roualle, Marc |
La Venerie Aujourd' Hui [11664] |
£50 |
DOWNMAN. (J.T.). |
Private Plates from Original Sporting Sketches by J.T.Downman. Part 1. (all published). Norwich [7739] |
£150 |
Drage. (Bert). |
Reminiscences of Bert Drage. [5201] |
£15 |
Drew, Hermione & Hughes, Trevor |
The Oxenholme Hounds : When, Where, and How They Hunted : Season 1934-5: The Illustrated Diary of Hermione Drew [11494] |
£10 |
Dufton (Thomas ) |
Hunters' Songs ( By various composers ), sold for the benefit of the Holme Valley Beagle Hunt, [11488] |
£15 |
Dunn Robin |
Staghunting on Exmoor 1940-1998 [11242] |
£30 |
Durham. (J.M.M.B.). and R.J. Richardson |
Melton and Homespun. nature and Sport in Prose and Verse. [5183] |
£10 |
Dykes. (T.). ("Rockwood"). |
All ROund SPort With Fish, Fur and Feather. Adventures on the Turf and the Road, In The Hunting and Cricket Fields, Yachting Courses, Links and Curling Ponds. [5326] |
£48 |